
REACHing Wisconsin communities with health research

Why is the REACH Program Important

We believe that health research should include and benefit all communities. We bring health research opportunities to communities across Wisconsin. We know that our environment impacts our health, and we want to learn more about this in both rural and urban areas. The REACH program strives to involve community members and organizations throughout the research process; from identifying what to study, to sharing our findings back to our participants and community partners.

About the REACH Program

REACH aims to use health technology in new ways and further increase research participation from diverse communities across the state. The REACH Program builds on 15 years of research, led by the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). Our program carries on the original mission of SHOW – to promote population health equity and well-being in Wisconsin and beyond. The REACH Program securely maintains the data and biospecimens originally collected by SHOW. We will also continue to follow-up with the 6,000+ participants from the SHOW study cohort over time.

Meet our Team

Jomol Mathew, PhD

Position title: Director, Principal Investigator

Email: jomol.mathew@wisc.edu

Allison Rodriguez, MPH

Position title: Research Program Manager

Email: akrodriguez@wisc.edu

Lauren Aquino Kochanowski, MS

Position title: Research Program Coordinator

Email: lshuster@wisc.edu

Doug Esselman

Position title: Field Team Supervisor

Email: djesselman@wisc.edu

Nicole Pocian

Position title: Phlebotomist

Email: npocian@wisc.edu

Christopher Tisler

Position title: Biobank Operations Manager

Email: cjtisler@wisc.edu

Contact Us

REACH Program

Medical Sciences Center, Room 1083

1300 University Ave. Madison, WI 53706

Email: reachprogram@med.wisc.edu

Phone: 608-890-3840

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